Day 10, Acostumbrarme

Buenas, amigos.  I’ve now been in Medellín for a solid ten days.  It’s safe to say I know the city fairly well.

Some highlights:

-Went to a museum dedicated to the victims of Colombia’s prolonged conflicts

-Went through the daunting process of registering for the city’s free bike share

-Used the city’s free bike share, and loved it

The reward for biking up Cerro Nutibara

-Got a 5-day ban from the city’s free bike share, on my first day

-Hit the movies (The Big Short, with Spanish subtitles, it was good)

-Had random ladies on the metro swoon over my “ojos tan lindos”

-Witnessed a number of hilariously incoherent and vulgar t-shirts, in English, whose text I will not reproduce here

-Tried (and failed) to avoid as much US election news as possible

-Went to a top-notch planetarium

-Started using Uber

-Watched the Super Bowl, in Spanish, with boring, regular commercials

-Already got flaked by a Colombian girl (the lawyer from the plane)

Mija will never flake me

-Realized, too late, that you actually have to remove the (plastic) casing from sausages here prior to consumption

If you were to ask me ¿cómo van las cosas?, I would say that things are going quite well.  Today and yesterday I handed out flyers for English conversation practice at two universities.  Something very telling about the culture here, is that EVERYONE said “thank you” when I handed out my paper.  Only one person of ~200 didn’t take one.  It goes to show that the culture here, especially with respect to strangers, is very, very different.  I don’t think I’ve ever thanked anyone for passing me a flyer.  Ever.  And they hadn’t even read it yet!  What if I were advertising hitman services?  I’d still get the “gracciass” and respond “con guusto.”

I will end today’s post with this delightful public service announcement from Administration.  It kindly alerts us to the devastating effects of eating while working.

“Look at the effects of eating while working…Digestive problems result from not chewing well…Also the food is not enjoyed”

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